Bitcoin News

Bitcoin’s 5th Epoch: Future Prophecies

Bitcoin’s 5th Epoch: There will be 21 million Bitcoins, taxes, and death. To the best of our knowledge, that is the case. Everything else is speculation. I wanted to announce my primary wagers for the following half-time today. Although some of these “prophecies” will undoubtedly come true in four years, I guarantee others will make me cringe. I don’t have a lot of evidence to support these forecasts; some are based on intuition, while others are entirely random. The future is bizarre, and that’s all I know.



It is essential to consider logarithmically rather than linearly estimating the hash rate, as I learned from my mining experience in the last cycle. Going extra long on the next cycle directly results from the present hash rate, which outstrips my expectations. A growing number of nations will embrace it, and it will cause havoc. We will conquer the stars in this way.

El Salvador is leading other nations with unstable currencies and severe inflation to consider cryptocurrency legal cash. Due to political movements, the public and lawmakers in countries like Venezuela and Argentina are becoming more interested in digital currencies. According to economic reports, digital currencies have the potential to broaden access to financial services by decreasing transaction costs.

Apple Wallet Integrates Stablecoins

Although Apple has been notoriously sluggish in adopting new financial technology, there is a lot of demand from users for mobile wallet apps that provide access to stablecoins in addition to regular banking. Jobs and patents were recently added to Apple’s cryptocurrency and blockchain division.


Bitcoin’s 5th Epoch, Liquid Network’s total daily transaction volume, is now ludicrous at the halving. Still, with the implementation of stablecoin regulation, there will be a tremendous surge in demand for rope, driving Liquid’s growth. Approximately $36,500,000, or 3.17% of the total USD supply of $111,897,000,000, is currently in liquid form. By the next halving or 2,600% growth, I anticipate that Liquid will have issued more than $1 billion. However, my speculative speculation is based on the idea that the other predictions are that USDt dominoes are falling into place.



The degenerative NFT market’s persistent fascination with “blockchain-based ownership verification” bodes well for the future of initiatives such as Ordinals. The early interest from digital artists and collectors at the debut of Ordinals suggests that it will be successful in the long run. Improvements in the scalability of blockchain technology allow for the management of massive datasets, such as those utilized in Ordinals.


With each successive halving of block rewards, transaction fees have grown in importance as a source of revenue for miners. According to economic models, miners’ primary motivation will shift from new transactions to the accumulation of fees. According to the data, the charge proportion relative to block rewards increases with each halving event. I am a one-time payer.


The expansion of the Lightning Network is being fueled by large financial organizations looking for solutions that can scale, which could result in a concentration of power. As a result of regulatory demands, crypto technologies are moving toward more excellent centralization, which will make oversight easier. As big players gain dominating positions, studies on network nodes reveal a trend toward centralization.

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